Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

MoneyToken — a blockchain-based financial ecosystem

hy welcome to my blog, i am ayuwick .. this time i will do a review on an ICO that really help you when you are need capital but your assets is not enough, introduce its name is Money Token a MoneyToken provides crypto-backed loans, stablecoin MTC and a decentralized exchange service. you should read a review about Money Token I think you will be interested let us discuss more here
TEAM says “MoneyToken is a bright example of the real use of blockchain technology, as well as offering a massive boost for crypto market liquidity for all market players, and especially for businesses.”
see Roadmap First

" The mission of Money Token -- Earn cash anytime and anywhere , Card balance in USD , Cash loans are quick and easy , Pay your loan with Easy and save " 

Introduce Section

I will introduce you guys ,,, this is about MoneyToken in February of 2017 MoneyToken has been conceptualized and has formed a team formation. Jerome McGillivray is the CEO and co-founder of this platform. The general director of the global firm for software development, research and development and the enthusiast of Blockchain. Money Token created a project that has a category payment by relying on the Ethereum platform. MoneyToken has a pretty good rating of 4 Stars.

What is MoneyToken ? 
I'll explain a bit about this Money Token .. Money Token is a Platform that lets you take a loan using different fluctuating assets like Ethereum and Bitcoin as collateral or as a reward, one unique in my opinion on the MoneyToken platform is behind its financial technology named Amanda .. hmmm like a person's name if you do not know yet. Guys you need to know that Amanda are not names of people Amanda is a technology, I mean an Artificial Intelligence Assistant who will provide automatic loan operation on the platform. Amanda is supported by an in-depth AI learning algorithm, and the goal is to provide human-like services for platform users. 

With this technological sophistication No more shady managers, hidden commissions, "small fonts" in contracts, and problems with transaction support because everything is done with the Amanda system so you will feel safe without any hesitation to enjoy the services provided on the Money platform Token, if the platform mengoprasikan is human could have happened cheating or theft but if the process is a technology system I do not think there will be cheating. by contributing and buying a Token sold by Money Token you will get the loan amount available in a stable currency. After the loan is repaid, you will get back the entire guarantee even if it has increased in value. Do not miss please visit the website to get token by buying it

Why choose MoneyToken?

All you need to know about the existence of this project is the MoneyToken loan model using crypto-assets fluctuate as collateral for loans given in fiat or stablecoin currency. This will create confidence for MoneyToken users where they can get the best service based on the loan, I will also give you a little information about the advantages provided by MoneyToken if compared with traditional banking schemes or what we call pawnshops:

  • With money token you get an Auto loan confirmation in seconds or minutes.
  • In the Money Token system There is no requirement for credit assessment or asset verification so you can be more flexible in borrowing funds here.
  • Unlike traditional banking where we have to follow the rules in managing the loan in the set. in MoneyToken you as Customers in their own terms set their own loan conditions within the boundaries of the provisions of the platform.
  • You will be given the option to store the assurance in some cryptocurrency assets to stabilize the general fluctuations
  • Another advantage that is given is that you can be free of collateral and lower upward pressure on interest rates.
  • MoneyToken applies the Transparency system operation during the transfer and storage of a security deposit.
  • Transparency of collateral evaluation and fluctuations in value from time to time for both parties.
for that I suggest to you to contribute directly in token sale sales that currently sdang With this project, you will not sell your crypto assets to get a loan. Once the project is implemented, it will resolve issues related to the use of your crypto assets - Bitcoin or Ether, for example - as collateral. guuys .. i suggest if you want to be a MoneyToken investor you should go through whitepaper to know how to invest in ICO to get a complete picture about MoneyToken, then you decide investment here whether make you profit in terms of finance, if you are correct interested please visit the Money Token Website for token purchase.

Token sale Information 

Symbol token: IMT
Total Token supply: 22,490,000,000
ICO price: $ 0.005
Retail sale price: $ 0.05
Private sale begins on 07 february 2018 and ends on March 21, 2018 has a hardcap target of $ 1.5 MM
Presale starts on 22 March 2018 and will end on 01 May 2018 has a target of $ 1.5 MM softcap and a hardcap target of $ 5MM
Token sale starts on 2 May 2018 and will expire on June 6, 2018, the set softcap target is $ 3MM and Hardcap target is $ 35MM
Retail sale starts on 7 June 2018 and ends on 15 June 2018
Payment for purchasing contributions received is BTC, ETH, BCH, DASH, LTC, NEM
We will return funds if the soft cap will not be reached. All unsold tokens will be burned

This video Will Show You More About Money Token 
IMT Token function
Becomes mandatory for platform users when depositing IMT to receive Borrower Membership.
As token holder you will get Discount up to 60% for platform fee for Membership Borrower. When using a discount from a user balance, the equivalent of 50% of discounts in USD are charged in IMT tokens.
Opportunity to become a creditor when depositing IMT for Lender Membership...

How does it work ?

Surely you want to know how to start using MoneyToken then how it works. the first MoneyToken will use a smart contract based on Ethereum to secure the terms of the agreement. Multichain and contract transactions will be available in the future, making MoneyToken fully decentralized. You take out a loan, secured by a more volatile asset such as Bitcoin or Ethereum based on the current value of the ownership of your cryptocurrency assets then the Collateral Fund will be kept in a protected multi-toe wallet and requires 3/4 signatures to access.

And once again Amanda's technology works here. Amanda works by analyzing clients with their first step on the platform to make conclusions and giving them extra financial services that are likely to interest them; she also helps with tracking mortgages, repaying loans, equally like an actual bank manager, but all based on data. Surely all of these processes work and can help you to get a loan if you are a token Holder Money Token. let's immediately buy Money Token not to be missed

For More Information Please Visit Link Bellow 

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